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Corriente Education

The North American Corriente Association was established in 1982 to promote and preserve the Corriente breed in the U.S. and Canada. A small group of interested ranchers agreed to join forces to perpetuate the breed in North America by forming an association. The motivating force came from the difficulty they had finding good, healthy Mexican steers of traditional Corriente type to rope and bulldog. 


The NACA's most important function is to institute the cattle registry. This registry documents the pedigrees of all registered animals so that breeders and buyers can be assured of their genetic background and standard characteristics. Today, the NACA has grown to not only provide our members with an accurate cattle registry, but to provide members with educational activities, a cattle show, and a members-only team roping. Registered stock is judged on conformation and on performance in roping and dogging events.

Over the last 40 years of the Association's existence,

we have had tremendous support from members who provide information about the Corriente breed. 

This page will be updated regularly with any new publications or articles regarding the Corriente breed.

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